
Fencing Pride – Gay Games 2023 – Hong Kong – EOI

From the 3rd to 11th of November this year will see the Gay Games being held in Hong Kong, and as an added bonus Fencing will be one of the 22 Sports chosen for the competition. Fencing was last in the Paris Gay Games in 2018.
In 2018 only Epee was on the schedule, for 2023 all 3 weapons have been included as well as the introduction of two new sports of Lightspeed Sabre as well as Lightspeed Sabre Choreography. Check out more information here.

The AFF are supportive of this wonderful worldwide event, and looking to create a tour for fencers who are interested in heading to Hong Kong to compete.
Your Tour Manager will be Davide Wheeler.
The Fencing competition will be held on Sunday 5th November and is open to everyone aged 18/+ regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or even training level: GAMES FOR ALL.

This will not being run as an official AFF tour and the events will not carry ranking points. However, at this stage the AFF is seeking to understand the potential scope of participants in the tour. Once this is known, we will chat to participants about what support, if any would be appropriate for the tour and we will chat to participants about this well ahead of travel plans being locked in.

If you are interested in joining the Australian Team, complete the EOI form here by 19th March 2023, to find out more.

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