How to register
The AFF uses an online payment system for all registrations listed here.
The system accepts most debit and credit cards (including Amex), as well as debit Visa & Mastercard, and PayPal.
Nominations received after normal registration closes will attract a late fee.
If the registration system does not recognise you as an affiliated fencer, please contact your state association to ensure your membership is current.
Nominations for overseas events may require a licence
AFT and AFS membership
Registrations Open | Registrations Close | |
National Squad Member (Adult) | August 1 2022 | August 12 2022 |
National Squad Member (Youth) | August 1 2022 | August 12 2022 |
Overseas Competitions
Apply to have overseas event assessed for ranking points (Cat E Assessment) | Apply here |
Enter an overseas event | Enter here |
Purchase International Fencing Federation (FIE) and European Fencing Confederation (EFC) licences | Purchase here |
Purchase an Asian Fencing Confederation ((FCA) licence | Purchase here |
Events above require participants to be "in good standing" (e.g. have no debts owing and be correctly affiliated) with a state association or federation. Some may require payment of a team levy. As such:
entries and registrations are accepted subject to final confirmation by a fencer's state association or federation
any payments received will be offset first against debts owed to the AFF, then to any event entry or registration fee.