AFF Integrity Framework

The AFF has multiple policies that relate to its integrity framework. AFF Polices must be read in conjunction with each other. Those relevant Policies to the AFF Integrity Framework include:

  • Anti-Doping

  • Anti-Match Fixing

  • Drug and Alcohol

The Australian Fencing Federation anti-doping policy is the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, effective from 1 January 2021, and found here on the Sport Integrity Australia website. All members, participants and non-participants in the sport of fencing are bound by these rules.

The AFF Anti-Doping Policy may be read in conjunction with all AFF policies including but not limited to:

  • AFF Codes Of Conduct
  • AFF Disciplinary Policy
  • AFF Publicity Policy and FIE Publicity code
  • AFF Member Protection Policy

The AFF Anti-Doping Policy will take precedence on anti-doping matters to the extent of any conflict between these or other AFF policies.

The AFF is required to notify Sports Integrity Australia (SIA) of certain AFF events so SIA may conduct random testing during the competition. NOTE: All event participants are potentially subject to SIA anti-doping testing.

By participating in an AFF event, you agree that you have been warned of the potential of being selected for anti-doping testing and you will comply with anti-doping testing if required.


Inadvertent doping offences are generally due to the use of particular supplements. Athletes are responsible for any sports drink, food, supplement, medication etc ingested and should check the contents or ingredients of any product to ensure they do not contain any banned or prohibited substance.


Sports Integrity Australia recommends that all athletes competing in national U/17 and over events have a minimum Level 1 SIA Certificate.

For further information regarding Sports Integrity Austraia anti-doping procedures and information, please see the SIA website - click here.