Rankings by age category

About Australian rankings

The ranking tables are generated automatically from results data (national and international) stored in the Australian Fencing Portal.

Rankings are calculated according to the AFF Rankings Policy.

› View the Rankings Policy here

Rankings are calculated as of yesterday. They may be subject to correction in where there has been an error in calculation or point allocation.

Email rankings coordinator here

National ranking points for State Championships

State Championship results may qualify for national ranking points, as provided in the AFF Rankings Policy. In order to qualify for national ranking points, State Championship events must meet minimum integrity thresholds, published in the Guideline at the link below. Assessments of State Championships to determine if they meet the standards are published once the events have taken place.

Qualifying state tournaments

State Championship thresholds are outlined in the National Championship Prerequisite Guidelines.

State Championships Calendar

A calendar of State Championship events eligible to attract national ranking points is published by the AFF.


A list of completed State Championships assessed for national ranking points can be viewed here.

Temporary changes in response to COVID19

  • Rankings points for 2019 AFC 3 & 4 and 2019 National Championships points will be retained until such time as these events are held either at the end of the 2021 or in 2022. If they are not held in 2022 then these points will expire at the December 31, 2022 in any case prior to those events being held in 2023.