2023 Universiade expressions of interest are now open!
February 16, 2023
The AFF is seeking expressions of interest for the 2023 World University Games in Chengdu, China 28 July – 8 August.
This is an HPC non-designated event and in accordance with the Selection Policy, is open to both non-National Squad members and National Squad members. However, priority will be given to National Squad members.
Expressions of interest must be submitted by 11:59 PM Friday, 24 February, and are to be submitted via the following link https://form.jotform.com/230257684051050
For selection, Senior rankings will be consulted on 21 March, and will have the following additional conditions:
- Athletes must have a minimum of 35 Senior Rankings Points, or 45 Junior Rankings Points in the weapon they wish to compete in; and
- Athletes must have fenced at an international event before.
Contact admin.hpc@fencing.org.au for any questions regarding the 2023 Universiade Games.