Individuals who are not fencers are welcome to accompany their relatives and friends on fencing tours. Fencers are also encouraged to invite their personal coaches on tours. However, the Australian Fencing Federation will only make arrangements and be responsible for selected fencers and officials for the tour. Specifically:
- Non-fencers will need to make their own arrangements regarding flights and accommodation. The AFF will only make these arrangements for selected fencers and officials, but will provide information to non-fencers on request regarding the arrangements made for fencers. The AFF also welcomes non-fencers to utilise the services of its preferred travel agent.
- The AFF will make room (accommodation) arrangements only for selected fencers and officials. Team members are required to room together in the team accommodation. Non-fencers will not be permitted to room with the team, and it is preferred that non-fencers find accommodation at an alternative location to the team accommodation.
- Non-fencers will need to make their own transport arrangements to and from the competition venue. The AFF will only make these arrangements for selected fencers and officials, but will provide information to non-fencers on request regarding the arrangements made for fencers.
- Non-fencers will need to make their own arrangements for accessing the competition venue. The AFF will only make these arrangements for selected fencers and officials. Under no circumstances will team managers be required to arrange access to the venue for non-fencers.
- Non-fencers will need to arrange their own travel insurance. Although the AFF Insurance Policy covers fencers for the period while they are undertaking a fencing tour (unless they opt out of coverage), it does not cover accompanying friends or relatives.
- Personal coaches will only be assisted with venue accreditation on request. The AFF may decide not to assist with accreditation if it is considered that such accreditation would compromise the interests of the Team as a whole.
- Personal coaches accompanying fencers will be expected at all times to arrange any private coaching and / or training activities around those organised by the Team officials / coach. Where the Team officials / coaches have organised training or other necessary activities for Team members that may conflict with those arranged by a personal coach, the personal coach will be required to cancel conflicting activities, unless specific exemption is obtained beforehand from the Team officials / coaches.
- Unless accredited and / or authorised by Team Management, people accompanying fencers should not enter the field of play or coach fencers. Such people should also not interfere with fencers or make demands of team staff.
[An Operational Protocol is information about the process by which the AFF Executive generally makes its decisions. It is designed as a matter of governance and transparency so that stakeholders in various decisions may inform themselves as to how decisions are usually made. An Operational Protocol is not policy, and cannot be subject to appeal.]
Last Updated 9 March 2015.