- The Operations Director will initiate the process by inviting the host State, National officials (Coaches, Officiating, Coaching, HPM), the Tournament Management Commission (TMC) to communicate any specific issues or documents relating to a competition. These may include (but are not limited to):
- Venue availability and capacity;
- Preferred event order and timing;
- Strip capacity;
- Coach availability;
- Flight times for interstate athletes;
- Concurrent competitive events or events which are close in time; and
- Planned National initiatives (eg courses, assessments, etc.) desired to be held concurrently.
- All stakeholders will respond within a week.
- The TMC will then circulate and publish the high level schedule for the competition (deadline: 6 months prior to event). The high level schedule will identify which events are to take place on each day. For each event, the schedule will specify whether that event will start within the morning or afternoon time slot (which will be subject to defined parameters).
- The host State will provide to Operations Director supplementary information for publication (eg accommodation, transport).
- The HPM/HPAM/Coaches will provide details of any concurrent Camps, including cut-off dates for entries for non-AFT/AFS athletes, for publication and set-up in Portal.
- All officials will provide details of any other concurrent initiatives, including cut-off date for entries / interest, for publication and potentially setup in the Portal.
- Registrations for fencers entering the competition will open approximately 6 weeks before the competition. Normal registrations will close approximately 2 weeks before the competition, following which late fees will apply.
- Following the close of normal registrations, the final schedule for the competition will be published, which will include the specific starting times for each event.
- In the situation whereby a state cannot host an event, the AFF Board will call for nominations from those states with permanent venues to act as a backup venue for the event. The AFF Board will then decide which is the most appropriate state to host the event.
For stages 1-2, the draft schedule will not be released to any other parties, and will clearly be marked as ‘draft’.
[An Operational Protocol is information about the process by which the AFF Executive generally makes its decisions. It is designed as a matter of governance and transparency so that stakeholders in various decisions may inform themselves as to how decisions are usually made. An Operational Protocol is not policy, and cannot be subject to appeal.]
Last Updated 4 September 2012.