What is RPL
People learn in many ways throughout their lifetime – through work experience and life experience as well as through education and training.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) considers a person’s skills and experiences, no matter where these were learnt, to enable people to gain credit towards Australian fencing coaching qualifications.
RPL can only be granted on current evidence, that is, work that has been completed within the last four years. Formal qualifications obtained outside the four year requirement must be shown to have been regularly utilised since completion of the qualification.
Following are a few examples of the ways evidence can be provided. The person will need to include a variety of these in their application form.
Education and training
- Formal, accredited and informal training
- Copies of certificates, qualifications achieved from other courses, school or tertiary results
- Statements outlining courses and or study that they have undertaken and the learning outcomes/competencies achieved from these
Coaching related experience
- Resumé of coaching experience and positions held, which may include reports from people within the sport
- Copies of any statements, references or articles about the coach’s employment or community involvement
- Relevant coaching samples, eg. copies of training programs, videos of coaching or officiating or assessment tools, which the coach has developed and implemented
- Reports on opportunities undertaken, which could include evaluations from courses conducted
Life experiences
- Overview of sport and recreation involvement
- Relevant work or other experiences
- Evidence of home/self directed study which may include a list of recent readings, synopsis of seminars attended, reports of own research/analysis undertaken
This list is not exhaustive. There may be other examples of experience and qualifications which will be recognised.
- Click on the button below to apply.
- Submit application form with supporting documentary evidence by email to: admin.hpc@fencing.org.au. Documentation can include certificates and qualifications. These should be officially translated into English.
Applications should include:
example of an annual plan for athletes appropriate to the level of accreditation being sought
example of squad plan for athletes appropriate to level of accreditation being sought
Individual lesson plan of the lesson you are going to deliver in assessment. One lesson per weapon of 30 minutes each
- The High Performance Commission will review the documentation to determine if it is:
Valid (relevant to fencing coaching in Australia)
Authentic (a true reflection of the candidate) - The High Performance Commission may need to meet with the applicant during the assessment process. The meeting could take the form of a teleconference or equivalent.
- In the event of partial completion of the learning outcomes, the applicant may be asked to:
• supply further supporting documentation
• complete certain assessment activities
• complete parts of a training program
• work with a mentor to obtain the required competencies. - Applicants will be notified of the RPL decisions and have their supporting documents returned within two months of the AFF receiving an application.