Athletes Commision 2024-2028 (300 x 300 px)

Athletes Commission Candidates Announced

We are excited to announce the candidates for the Athletes Commission election.
This commission plays a crucial role in representing the interests and voices of athletes across our organization.

The AFF Athletes’ Commission will comprise between three to five eligible persons who sit for a term of 4 years.
Up to three positions are elected, with additional positions that can be appointed by the AFF Board for the purposes of ensuring para-fencing representation and meeting gender equity targets (if required).

Each candidate has provided a nomination statement, which can be found by clicking on the name of each candidate below.
The candidates are:

Georgina Barratt
Cederic Bauer
Robert Ciccarelli
Mayuri Muralidharan
Colleen Stokes
Alyson Sung
George Yako
Domenic Yates

Voting will open soon and eligble voters will recieve instructions on voting via email shortly.

We strongly encourage all athletes eligible to participate in this important democratic process by reviewing each candidate’s platform and casting their vote.
Your participation is crucial to the success of this election. Your voice matters, and this is your opportunity to have your represenation at the AFF Level.

Let’s make our voices heard!


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