The DT team receives score sheets from the field of play in varying states of legibility and sometimes with incorrectly recorded results. For pools, the score grid is taken as the primary score-keeping record, with the list of individual bouts appearing below the grid being used as the secondary score-keeping record where there are errors or missing results from the grid that require clarification.

* Fencers are strongly encouraged to check all scores recorded. It is not the practice of the AFF's DT team to require fencers to sign score sheets, but where this is done, it is taken as a strong indication that the relevant fencer (or coach) has checked all parts of the score sheet, including their own wins, losses, and scores.

* There is also a reasonable level of expectation that the honour of our sport is respected by those fencers whose results are incorrectly recorded in their favour, and will seek to have this corrected regardless of detriment to their own results.

* The competition software that the AFF uses double-checks all scores to ensure that each bout has a winner and loser recorded. Where the software indicates there is an error, or where the DT team identifies this as part of the data entry process, fencers and / or referees are called to the DT office to clarify results where necessary.

* The purpose of the production of the ranking list after the pools and before the direct elimination is to allow fencers to again check all results, specifically to again check that their own results have been correctly recorded. During the course of AFC tournaments each year, a very small percentage of pool ranking lists are identified as incorrect, and invariably these are due to a fencer not checking their pool sheet results prior to their submission to the DT. Generally, corrections are made on the spot, and DEs are re-drawn (where fencing has not commenced in the DE).

Part of any fencer's development includes not just skill and discipline acquisition, it also involves learning about the rules and conventions. This is true of any sport. There is no fault to be found or error to be attributed to any fencer who is still acquiring knowledge about his or her sport. In much the same way that developing fencers learn not to step off the back of the strip, or that they must always have spare equipment ready at the side of the strip, so too are there valuable lessons to be learnt in diligently checking all aspects of score sheets and DE draws in all rounds of an event.